Load data from a PLAN file

The following procedure is used to load data from a PLAN (.pplan) file:

  1. In the Load Data workspace, click on the arrow under the Add button The Add button on the ribbon and select the PalantirPLAN option. A new data source will be added and the PLAN loading screen will be displayed. For information about the screen elements, see PLAN file loading screen. You can combine data from different sources by using groups (see Data source groups).
  2. The Start Year and Duration fields determine the time frame for which the data will be loaded; if projects span a longer period, the data outside of this time frame will be discarded.
  3. If the configuration file of the current portfolio and the existing .pplan file selected to load are different, the user can make use of a mapping template. Under the Manage Template drop-down, the user has the option to create a new template, rename/edit/delete an existing template as well as import and export template files. When a mapping template is created or edited, the user must select a variable/property in the source file to map into the correlated variable/property in the current portfolio’s configuration.

Note: The currently used template is part of the PLAN document; if you send this document to a colleague, for example, the template will be sent with it. You can also save templates as files on your computer (referred to as local templates).

  1. When all variables and properties are mapped appropriately, click OK and proceed to configure the Data Load Options. For descriptions of the settings available here, see PLAN file loading screen.

  2. Select the projects to be included from the Select Projects box. The project properties available are determined by the configuration of the source PLAN file.

  3. Click on the Load button The Load button on the ribbon. The progress will be shown in a pop-up dialog. You can cancel loading at any time by clicking on the Cancel button in the dialog.
  4. If loading finished successfully, the Analyze Portfolio workspace will be opened. If there are warnings or errors, click on the View Log button The View Log button on the ribbon to check the log file.